Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Great Cookie Exchange Part 2

The best part of the holiday season is giving gifts... now, who really believes that?  The best part of the holiday season is receiving gifts, and I'm sure everyone (except maybe Mother Theresa) would agree with Sally and I in this matter.  Something about unwrapping presents is just so exciting, even if it occurs long after the holiday season, as Sally and I can attest to.  We received our counterpart to the Cookie Exchange earlier this week, and have been diligently waiting for the sun to peer through the clouds to get a decent picture of all the decadent goodies we discovered.  Alas, the sun has thwarted our plans for three days, and Sally and I know if we waited much longer for this post there might not be anything left to take a picture of.  We couldn't resist munching on the sticky peanut brittle and smooth chocolate fudge while we waited... and waited... and it wasn't until we sat through a particularly gruesome snowstorm that we ended up completely consuming the treats in a fit of starvation.  Well.  Sort of.

Anyway, Sally and I would like to thank Kate for sending us the delicious treats and Steph of for organizing this Cookie Exchange!  We had a lovely time, and hope to see more of you ladies in the future!

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